Home > Azie Azie Kawah Ijen: all the tips for your volcano ascent Geplaatst op 21 July 2024 The blue crater lake and blue fire of Ijen Mount IJen’s impressive turquoise lake is caused by its high ... Lees verder Kuala Lumpur Travel Guide (update 2023) Geplaatst op 21 January 2024 In this article To do Hotspots Travel time Budget Practical information The nicest accommodations How do I get... Lees verder Manado Cityguide Geplaatst op 7 January 2024 Manado is the largest city in North Sulawesi. A total of more than 500,000 people live in this vibrant city. I... Lees verder 8x most beautiful places in Indonesia Geplaatst op 24 December 2023 Indonesia has completely captured us! With over 16,000 islands on the map, we’ve checked off quite a few... Lees verder The Gili Travel Guide Geplaatst op 20 December 2023 DOWNLOAD THE COMPLETE LOMBOK TRAVELGUIDE → What are the Gili Islands exactly? The Gilis consist of 3 islands... Lees verder Tetebatu: the green heart of Lombok Geplaatst op 7 December 2023 What to do in Tetebatu Tetebatu is the green heart of Lombok! As you approach this village, you can see that n... Lees verder 11 Most Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia Geplaatst op 17 August 2023 With more than 17,000 islands, Indonesia is the largest archipelago globally and boasts the second-largest coa... Lees verder Ruteng: the perfect stop during your journey through Flores Geplaatst op 22 June 2023 After a breathtaking drive of about 4 hours from Labuan Bajo, you will be rewarded with the charming village o... Lees verder Discover Flores: the ultimate Flores itinerary Geplaatst op 21 June 2023 Flores: untouched nature, the most beautiful diving spots, volcanoes that challenge you, and traditional villa... Lees verder Bajawa, Flores: The Ultimate Travel Guide to an Unforgettable Adventure! Geplaatst op 21 June 2023 Bawaja should not be missed during your trip through Flores. This part of fall Flores is truly a gem. One of t... Lees verder Surabaya travel guide: what to do in Surabaya Geplaatst op 7 August 2022 Surabaya is the main port city of the island and is located at the mouth of the Mas River. The Java Sea lies t... Lees verder Yogyakarta: de leukste tips & restaurants Geplaatst op 31 July 2022 This is where Javanese art and traditions play the most significant role. Not only will you find the magnifice... Lees verder 10x what to do in Manado Geplaatst op 18 November 2018 While you won’t find many attractions in Manado, there is more than enough to do in the surrounding area... Lees verder Moni and Kelimutu volcano Geplaatst op 18 June 2018 Holy Moni, how cool you are. Located in the green of Flores, this small village is particularly known for the ... Lees verder Labuan Bajo: de uitvalsbasis om Komodo National Park te ontdekken Geplaatst op 30 May 2018 Komodo National Park This national park, located in Indonesia, is world-renowned for its unique flora and faun... Lees verder Gili Trawagan Food Guide Geplaatst op 28 May 2018 The Gili Islands have long ceased to be a secret. They are a favorite destination for many who visit beautiful... Lees verder Karimunjawa: discover this hidden gem of Java Geplaatst op 9 September 2017 In this article about Karimunjawa Beaches in Karimunjawa Things to do Hotspots Travel time Budget Practical in... Lees verder Explore Bandung: Hotsprings, Volcanoes, and Beyond Geplaatst op 31 July 2017 Moreover, outside the city, there is an incredible amount to discover. Think of striking sulfur volcanoes, ama... Lees verder